Marichel is a seasoned labor and immigrant rights advocate with over a decade of organizing and campaign experience. Prior to joining LIFT, she was the National Field Director for the UFW Foundation, the nonprofit affiliate of Cesar Chavez’s United Farm Workers labor union. Marichel has strong experience designing local, statewide and national organizing campaigns specializing in immigration and labor advocacy, and empowers those most impacted to be leading the work.

In California, Marichel oversaw a statewide campaign resulting in the stronger enforcement of heat protections for agricultural workers. At the federal level, she directed a campaign that generated over 80,000 public comments submitted to the US Department of Labor challenging a proposal that would make harmful changes to the H2A guest worker program. In addition, Marichel ran the national field campaign that resulted in the passage of a farm worker legalization bill through the US House of Representatives in 2019 and 2021, and remains a tireless advocate for broader immigration reform.

In her current role as Program Manager with The LIFT Fund, Marichel leads grant initiatives fostering partnerships between labor unions, worker centers and philanthropic institutions and manages the organization’s communications and social media channels.